Bus#3 running approximately 20 minutes late again today. The bus company is working to figure out the logistics of this afternoon bus route. If you need to make other arrangements to pick up your child please contact the school. Our apologies again for these bus delays!
over 2 years ago, Kristie Eager
Come support the Waltham Elementary Education Foundation and the Utica Fire Protection District this Saturday in downtown Utica.
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Happy Monday! Even the turkeys are ready to learn!
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
The school was notified by the bus company that today's afternoon buses will all run their normal routes with the exception of Bus#3 running approximately 20 minutes late. If you need to make other arrangements to pick up your child please contact the school. Our apologies for all these bus issues but we do see it getting better with each school day :)
over 2 years ago, Kristie Eager
We have been notified that we will be down one bus for today's dismissal. We will only have buses 2, 3 and 4 running. Many students have been reassigned to another bus. Your student's arrival time home today will be different. Bus #3 will be leaving at least 30 minutes late from the school. If you will be making other dismissal arrangements for your child/children today, please contact the office. Thank you for your continued patience with our buses.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Melanie Lukacsy
8th grade started out the year working on an activity to prove math is everywhere!  They choose a profession to draw a picture of and explain how math is involved in that profession. The goal was to prove math is everywhere!
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Math is everywhere.
Math is everywhere.
Math is everywhere
Crayola Towers for the first day back in STEAM
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Harvesting tomatoes
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Harvesting tomatoes
Harvesting tomatoes
Harvesting tomatoes
Buses #2, 3, and 4 just left the school. Bus #1 is loading now and will be enroute shortly. Thank you for your patience today with our buses!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Melanie Lukacsy
We just received word that our bus routes will leave approximately 10-15 minutes late from Waltham this afternoon. If this changes the afternoon dismissal plan for your family, please call the office ASAP. We will dismiss car riders at 2:22 p.m. Please do not line up before 2:20 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Melanie Lukacsy
Our 2021-2022 school year is off to a great start! Just a reminder for parents that today is a 2:20 p.m. student dismissal. Please call the school at 815-667-4417 by 1:20 p.m. if your child has a change in dismissal plans.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Melanie Lukacsy
Everyone say “Hi, Mr. Bara”
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Hi Mr. Bara!
7th and 8th Grade
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
7th Grade
8th Grade
8th Grade
5th and 6th Grade
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
6th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
2nd Grade
2nd Grade
4th Grade
3rd Grade
First Grade and Kindergarten!
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
First Grade
And we’re ready!!!! School year 2021-2022 has begun!
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
We can’t wait!
We are so excited for school to begin tomorrow! Can’t wait to see all our amazing kiddos!
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Don’t forget supply drop off tomorrow from 8-3:30 on the tables in front of the building.
over 2 years ago, WESD 185
Congratulations to Jett, Mary, and Quinn for placing in the top ten at the Sandwhich Tournament on Tuesday!  Jett placed 8th in the boys division, Quinn placed 2nd and Mary placed 4th in the girls division!!
almost 3 years ago, WESD 185
Congratulations golfers!!